Base Attack Force
Play the Game

Alliance rules:
- Alliances with only one member will be dissolved 12 hours after alliance creation
- If a leader is inactive* for longer than 5 days or has 0 points then some another member of the alliance will be promoted to Leader
- Members with less than 1,000 points will be count as newcomers
- Alliances with more than 49 members cannot accept more members (newcomers are in this case not counted as members)
- Players with less than 1,000 totalpoints will be (automatically) thrown from the alliance after 5 days of inactivity*, with more than 1,000 after 2 weeks, and with more than 10,000 after 8 weeks
- Insults or illegal content is not allowed for alliance names / avatars / descriptions
- You can change your alliance only every 3 days
- If an alliance exceeds 50 members, every 10 hours a member with the fewest points will be automatically kicked. As a member only counts who has over 1,000 points, below 1,000 as newcomer.

*inactivity: a player is inactive when he/she is not logged in or don't do anything in the game

- Leader / Co-Leader can take members in the alliance
- Leader / Co-Leader can kick members from the Alliance
- Only the leader can define which members may be co-leader of his alliance
- If the Leader has enabled "take automatically newcomers" for his alliance, players who want to join the alliance will be taken automatically into the alliance, and if it's deactivated, Leaders/Co-Leaders can take players who want to join manually into the alliance (if they want)

Democracy mode for alliances:
- The leader can transform his alliance into a democracy so that their members can choose who should be the Leader. That member with the most votes will become Leader.
- All members who have more than 1000 points and are a member of the Alliance for at least 3 days are eligible to vote.
- Voting only possible for players with more than 1000 points.
- Once an alliance has been transformed into a democracy, then this cannot be undone.
- Leader change takes place as soon as another member has more votes than the existing leader and was online in the last 48hours.

You are green

Allies are blue

Enemies are red | BASE ATTACK FORCE | Real Time Strategy Game | (C) DITOGAMES | Impressum